President Obama has texted me ;)
Last class was about the role of Social Media with
particular focus on current unrest in the Middle Eastern countries. I believe,
there is no doubt that social media has had its impact on organizing and
mobilizing people who opposed their governments, but there is also something
that needs to be considered as contributing factor to anger of people who have
been succeeded in toppling the regime in Egypt. Utilization of Technologies
like Iphone, computers that are connected with the Internet have reshaped the communication
architecture of the contemporary world. Today, there is no place where someone
can feel her/his self isolated from the rest of the world. Something that
happens in one corner of the world will be straight away communicated with most
of the people around the world in few seconds. Instead of spending too much time on other original
sources, I do get most of the news that I am interested on from those people
who have been part of my social networks (facebook, twitter, LinkedIn and so
on). Based on my area of expertise, I have strived to be connected with those
people who have been experts on the subjects of my interest and concentration
I would like to share a personal story, the one which I
believe will last forever in my memories forever; it was when President
Barack Obama was off to Egypt to deliver his historical speech to the Muslim
World in summer 2009. Prior to that, and his election as President, in 2008
when I was doing my fellowship at New York State Legislature, I got to his facebook
page and was enjoying his team's campaign for his election. Even though there
was many things that I had to be worried back in Afghanistan, as an informed
Afghan Citizen, whose country’s future was/is closely tighten to the policies
of US administration, I was following his campaign so closely, and I found his
policy and approach toward Afghanistan very promising and full of optimisms.
Therefore, I was trying to talk to as money Americans as possible to share my
thoughts about him and how wise his strategy was toward Afghanistan, which was
among major issues in his campaign. In the summer 2009, when his facebook page
was already changed from elect Obama to President Obama, and I was still the
followers, I got the news from his news-fed that whoever is having cell phone
will receive the key points of his, Obama's, speech in almost more than 12
languages, including Farsi which is one of two official languages spoken.
Nevertheless, due to my interest of learning English, I chose to receive the
texts in English. I registered my cell phone number and left office earlier
than usual for home. After having my late lunch with the family, I had gone on
a short nap but my cell phon peeped and I straightaway got up and screamed “
hu, this is President Obama”. My wife and brothers all got to there as they
thought I dreamed something crazy. My older brother, who is a physician by
profession, had thought that something was going wrong with me. But I was
right, the text was from President Obama's team, and I kept receiving texts
till the end of his speech. This is something, that I was so excited to see
happing for the first time in my life, and I am still teased by my wife and
brothers that I was expecting the text from President himself, “President Obama
has texted me” lol. As most of the Muslim population lives in Asia, the
President’s team (DoS) translated his remarks into Arabic, Farsi, Urdu and some
others that I don’t recall.
However, today many of the Afghan politicians, officials
and intellectuals have been active part of social networks. Social Networks for
the first time were utilized during the Presidential as well as recent
parliamentary election campaigns in Afghanistan. I saw bulk of comments and
exchange of ideas about the policies presented by the candidates as well as
criticisms were put on their web pages.
Based on the facts mentioned above about the importance
of "Social Networks", I believe it is very important to be part of
any of them. I, personally, use facebook and LinkedIn, twitter, blogger,
and I fully appreciate the benefits they offer. Part of my facebook, I get most
of my news, information about the subjects posted by my friends as well as I am
in connected with all my family members as well as relatives whom I haven’t met
in person in 20 years or so. Part of my professional network, LinkedIn,
in very short period of time, I have been introduced and connected with some
organizations and folks who I see as positional employers.
Finally, I firmly believe on the
importance of Social Network and it does play a critical role in bringing
people together, mobilizing their expertise, knowledge and efforts.
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